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Private Opt Out Securities Actions
Private securities actions are lawsuits initiated by investors who have made the decision not to proceed as members of class actions. Such actions are also known as “Opt-Out Actions”. Essentially, they allow investors to allege individual securities claims to recover losses caused by fraud or other similar misconduct covered by federal and state securities laws.
This type of litigation is generally pursued by investors with substantial financial losses who are unhappy or unwilling to participate in a class action. They provide claimants with more control over the litigation process and greater access to the legal team that works on their behalf.
The Mehdi Firm can help you ascertain whether it is in your best interest to pursue a class action suit, or to file your own private opt-out securities action.
Suffered financial losses in connection with the purchase of a public company stock or bond and do not wish to participate in a class action?
Contact us for a confidential, no-cost case evaluation.
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